30 March 2010

Feeling Kind Of Blah...

It seems to be a recurring theme among the blogs that I've read. It seems everybody is having a blah moment lately. I guess it's understandable because (at least where I am) we are in between seasons. It's not really spring, but it's not really winter. This week, we have a chance of snow tomorrow and a high of 80 on Saturday. I am very grateful, and I really hope it does get up to 80.

Another reason I think I am feeling blah is because I haven't talked to DH in three days. I knew on Saturday when I talked to him that it would be a little while before we got to again. I guess I just didn't realize the affect not talking to him would have on me. I know that it is something that I will get used to, but in all honesty I think this is the longest I've ever been without talking to him in the almost four years we have been together. It's crazy to even think that! I know that when I do get to talk to him, I will appreciate it even more. I can't wait to hear his voice again!

I hope everyone is having a great week!


Julie Danielle said...

I have been blah too.

I remember when my husband was deployed I could last about 4-5 days and then I would start to have very hard time if I didn't hear from him. Then I would heard from him and all would seem ok again. *hugs* to you.

Paula said...

Oh girl, I know how a phone call can make your whole day! I got excited just seeing his name on an incoming email.
I'm blah too... PCS and other changes coming up are wearing me out. I'm trying to look at the positive!

Ashleigh said...

three days is so long :( i'm sorry! keep your head up and your outlook positive, he will call soon and it will make you happier than ever!

Hannah said...

I agree, the weather makes people feel "blah"ish.