19 August 2010

Not Much Going On

I thought I would post because it's been a few days, but there really isn't a lot to talk about at the moment. I just started reading the book Faith Deployed by Jocelyn Green. I really like it so far. I think between it and some of the other books I'm reading or have read I am on my way to becoming a better wife. That's not to say I was a bad wife to begin with, but these books are just giving me another perspective on the kind of wife that I want to be and that my husband deserves.

I went to the doctor today to do a recheck on my blood work. I should get the results next week when I go back. I'm really hoping that I won't have to take Vitamin D anymore, but if I do... that's ok.

My sweet husband and I have talked a lot over the past few days. (Thank you, Verizon!!) It was especially awesome early the other morning. It was probably around 0400 my time, so it was around 1330 his time. I was having a nightmare and he sent me a message at just the right time to wake me up. I thanked him for sending me the message later in the day, and he said that he just had an urge to talk to me. That was God talking to him for me, and I am very grateful to both God and my husband.

Tank and Shadow are doing good. Shadow turned one year old on 8 August. I'm glad that he will be getting out of the kitten stage soon. He wakes me up in the middle of the night. He will jump on the bed by my face, take his paw and pat me on the face. No claws, just using the pad of his foot. It's so sweet, but makes me so tired the next day. Tank has been wanting a lot of attention the past week. I give him a lot of attention, but I know that he really wants the attention from his dad. I can't wait to see him when DH comes home for R&R. It will probably make me cry!

Speaking of crying, I have been overly emotional this month. I'm not sure what it is, but I seem to be crying about everything.

Anyway, that's what's going on in my world. I hope everyone is having a great day and it continues into the weekend. Take care and God Bless!!


Annie said...

YOUR HUSBAND CAN TEXT YOU!?! lol... wow. that's amazing. I'm doing good to get my weekly/ monthly call.

Annie said...

that's awesome... wish the marines would let them take cell phones. lol.

Aracely said...

That's wonderful :)

Thank God for our husband's right timings :)

Anonymous said...

That book is SO good! I got it at the beginning of our last deployment. Talk about a God-send!

Skinnie Piggie said...

I saw your comment on Scripture Sprinkles asking if she knew of any online Bible studies... I am part of a group of Mil-Spouses that have a blog called SPA Diaries, currently I write about "Fireproofing Your Marriage"... there are many other topics as well, feel free to check it out:


The Peacock's Tale said...

Oh my goodness. That is such a great book! What a God Send you are right! It's nice to know that there are so many other soldiers wives that feel a connection with God even when they are alone. Thanks for your blog!

Jessica said...

Have to agree with you, that is a GREAT book!

So glad that you and your hubby are able to stay so connected =)